Convolvulus Cneorum

from NZ$21.99

This low growing shrub has clean silver foliage which covers the plant all year round. Look forward to cup shaped white flowers opening in late spring and continuing throughout the summer and autumn months. Prefers a sunny environment and best protected from severe frosts. Great for small hedges.

Mature height: 40cm x 80cm

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This low growing shrub has clean silver foliage which covers the plant all year round. Look forward to cup shaped white flowers opening in late spring and continuing throughout the summer and autumn months. Prefers a sunny environment and best protected from severe frosts. Great for small hedges.

Mature height: 40cm x 80cm

This low growing shrub has clean silver foliage which covers the plant all year round. Look forward to cup shaped white flowers opening in late spring and continuing throughout the summer and autumn months. Prefers a sunny environment and best protected from severe frosts. Great for small hedges.

Mature height: 40cm x 80cm

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